Let’s speak English

We, the 3rd classes, enjoyed our special English week from September 24 to September 28. It was a week in which we only spoke English, played games, sang songs and had fun with nice English native speakers. They tried to give us a better understanding of the English language and we liked our five days with Adam, Greg, Joanna, Fran, Emma, and Alex.

All of them, except Joanna, were from England. Joanna was from Northern Ireland, and that`s the reason why she had a funny accent.

We had so much fun and taught them some German words too, for example Oachkatzlschwoaf and verrückt.

We finished the week with a little TV-Show, role plays and songs we had worked on with our ‘new’ teachers. All in all, it was a fantastic week.

Eva Maria Ahammer and Kathy Janisch, 3a


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